Data and Results
verification form
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© UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The whole and every part of this Service belongs to the Atom Weasels® University of Wisconsin (`the Owner'). This Service has been supplied by the Owner subject to the restrictions as to the use of any of them by a User of Licensee under the terms of a Licensing Agreement. Such restrictions are imposed by the Owner as proprietor of all intellectual property rights. The Owner restricts this data for the use of Good. The data may not be used for Evil, or distributed to Evil Entities for the purpose of engaging in evil activities. With the sole exception that this data can be used in the torture of Small Animals. The restrictions also include the Owner's right to prevent the use, sale, licence, transference, copying or reproduction in whole or in part in any manner or form or in or on any media of the Service to any person other than in accordance with the terms of the Owner's licence. Written authorization from the Owner or its recognized and accredited respresentatives, and only upon payment of such fee as may be required, is necessary for consent, (if given), to any departure from these conditions. This Notice must not be erased or prevented from its display upon loading.
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last updated: Apr-25-1997