




Excitation of Ground-state Atoms/Molecules

Near-UV / Visible Monochromator System
This System is used to study excitation from the ground state of atoms and molecules in the spectral range of 250 to 1000 nm. A 1.26 meter monochromator combined with a photo-multplier tube (PMT) is used to detect the fluoresence the atoms emit as they decay.

Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (FTS) System
This System is used to study excitation from the ground state of atoms and molecules in the spectral range of 850 to 5000 nm. A Fourier Transform Spectrometer along with a variety of infared detectors are used on a system similar to the Visible system above.

Excitation of Atoms in Metastable/Excited States

Hollow Cathode Metastable Atom Source
This system is used to study excitation out of metastable states. It uses a hollow cathode discharge to produce the metastable atoms.

Fast Beam Metastable Atom Source
This system is used to study excitation out of metastable states. It uses charge exchange between a fast ion beam and a cesium vapor to produce the metastable atoms.

Magneto-Optical Trap(MOT) Experiment
This experiment is used to study ionization and total scattering cross sections of alkali atoms trapped in a MOT.

Second Generation Trap Experiment
The laser excited atoms in the MOT are used as the target in this experiment to measure the cross sections for electron-excitation out of the excited levels of atoms.

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last updated: Nov-5-1998