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last updated: Oct-7-2000 |
Notes of interest
- Tool-board design: Cow (painted 1998).
- B645 used to be/still is a group storeroom. If your browser supports JavaScript, click on the
picture of the lab to play a really dumb game.
- B645 is also the home of...
- SMAuBU (SMA-Boo), The Super Mobile Gold Blacking Unit
- our stockpile of old, more-or-less worthless optics
- our stockpile of old, more-or-less worthless electronics
- our stockpile of old, but somewhat uselful electronics components
- our stockpile of old and dangerous power supplies (including Honest Abe, and the Hernia Master).
- a large collection of used Swagelok® fittings
- a large number of allen wrenches
- Ronald Reagan's head in an old vacuum chamber
- the Bug-a-tron (you don't want to know)
- a large supply of empty boxes and packing peanuts